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1. I just wanted to write you to thank you for all the forecasting material that you provide at your website. I recently graduated with a degree in meteorology, and even though I got high grades in my classes, I never really learned how to forecast. I have learned more about forecasting from your website than I did in the years I was studying meteorology. Thanks Haby. God bless.

2. I stumbled on your site while searching for sample NWS tests! I've been out of school for five years and needed some refreshing of concepts from time to time. I love the detail of your site! Thanks for all the effort you put into your weather site. I'll be sure to continue use it as a reference.

3. I just wanted to say that I found this site just a few days ago and have read through just about every page here. I wanted to thank you for the work that you have put into this page. It's the first page I've seen like this, and I think it's great that you took the time to put this together. There are great in-depth explanations without being too technical and mathematical, and I've certainly had a lot of things click that I wasn't quite understanding. Sometimes, I know people think they do something not knowing how many people will actually benefit from it. I just wanted you to know that this website is great, and if no else has said it I wanted to be someone who did say that the work you put into your site is appreciated!

4. Great site! I am Brandon an AF weatherman, good stuff on your page! Found everything I need to forecast at home!

5. Your Weather web site, including your countless Haby Hints, essays, and definitions of weather terms and atmospheric processes is incredible! It is easily one of the most comprehensive if not the BEST one stop location on the internet to study and sharpen one's weather knowledge from the basic to the most complex terms/ concepts. I know that I will be accessing it long after completing my BMP course work later this Summer. Thanks for your time and efforts in building it!

6. I am writing to you as a token of thanks for your website. I have just ran into it by accident today and was shocked and amazed at the tons of information and advice the site contains. It is refreshing to discover that there is at least someone who is very interested enough in the weather to come up with such an expansive website dedicated to meteorology and weather forecasting. As an enthusiast and an aspiring meteorologist myself (I am currently in school pursuing my degree in meteorology at OU) I find all the information very helpful in my day-to-day studies of weather. Keep up the good work on the site.

7. Your site is a Godsend for me and I am sure many others out there as well.